The Art Club

The Art Club

Aim is to help others to find their creative flair - so please take some time and read through our forums of information and hints. Thank you.

  • Gründer: Dena72
  • Mitgliederzahl: 2521
  • Blingee-Anzahl: 48042
Dieser Gruppe beitreten!
Welcome fellow artists
Our new logo was designed and created by evilchefmania

(we have lots of beautiful logos/blingees being made keep them coming and perhaps you'll see yours displayed here soon.  Each week we will aim to change our logo so Thank you)

from us:
 Manager - Dena72
2nd manager - tgrams

Ever sat back and thought it's hard to know which few artistic blingees to put into the artistic category as you have so many .....well this groups for you.

If you have any questions about anything to do with art or making blingees please feel free to post a question. 

In the meantime we will make forums to help others manipulate their own artwork and create their own stamps and blingees, so any questions please don't hesitate to ask. We work closely with the blingee team to help you with your creations and explain any updates or new things that the blingee team are bringing to you. 

To share your artistic blingees - though sorry ones covered in glitter completely, or bad language will not be acceptable, sorry. If we have to refuse them we will let you know though and the reason for refusal so please do not be offended, but will just let you know for next time. Thank you.

Feel free to post your artistic blingees here, but please keep them clean and unoffensive thank you.


need a group?
Aktualisiert von: BlackLightning, Vor 2622 Tage
Beiträge: 1
Why does red appear on blingee
Aktualisiert von: smiley126s, Vor 2903 Tage
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Hi I'm new
Aktualisiert von: smiley126s, Vor 2903 Tage
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Aktualisiert von: SHAKENBAKE32, Vor 2952 Tage
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Aktualisiert von: seymourdm63, Vor 3127 Tage
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